Friday, July 17, 2009

What this is all about

If you are reading this, you most likely already know generally what this story is about. However, I thought that I would write it all down, both so that I can remember it better, and so that I can share the many, many experiences that I had on this trip with anyone who cares to hear about them. I have no delusions about the number of people who will likely read this. I am narcissistic enough to google myself, but not so much so that I think that more than a handful of people will want to read something about me riding my bike. But I had to share this experience, and a quick conversation just isn't enough. So if you're bored, this can take up some time. I know I like reading blogs at work instead of actually accomplishing something. I hope that you can get past the myriad misspellings and grammatical errors caused by engineering classes killing any writing ability I ever had and get a real idea of what RATS is all about. (I'm sure the errors exist, I'm just too lazy to sort them out. Sorry.) Anyways, here it is:


  1. Angus, I got bored tonight and ended up reading your whole story. I heard about you doing this ride this past summer from Tricia but it never really dawned on me how great of a feat this truly is. Although to anyone who hasn't done it, it probably seems solely torturous, I'm sure there's a lot that you learn about yourself too. That's awesome that you completed it! I hope that some day I can do half that distance, haha.


  2. Hi Angus - Per your fathers recommendation (since I too am trying to balance a love for riding and a love for my growing family) I read your story, it was terrific! Interesting how we so quickly forget the pain we sometimes strive to put our bodies through and only remember the wonderful joy of completing the challenge. Thank you for sharing your experience.
