Friday, July 17, 2009

The Next Morning

The morning was a hurried affair, everyone wanted to make it back to Orono. We discovered that Grundle had fallen asleep in all his clothes, too tired to change. Upon waking up he realized that he had forgotten to bring normal clothes. Forced to improvise, he wore a ripped t- shirt, long johns, wool socks and Cam’s spare bike shoes. He looked fairly ridiculous, but true to his nature didn’t seem to care, and walked around Burlington with us looking for a breakfast place. I met up with my friend Katy, who seemed a little taken aback at the bizarre group that we must have been. We ate, (and ate and ate, I had a HUGE appetite,) and left for Orono. We drove mostly the same route that we had biked. It felt strange to see all the landmarks that we had passed the day before fly by so quickly. I reflected on the ride, the pain, and the triumph. We were back in Orono soon enough.

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